My Services

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Let's get started

If you are a first responder and you've made it this far into my website I'd like to say THANK YOU! 

I understand all too well how difficult it is for someone in the emergency response field to ask for help. After all, YOU are supposed to be the helper--what does it say about you if you're the one who needs help? (Frankly, it says you are very intelligent and brave...and human. Yes, my friend, I'm afraid it's true, your Super Hero cape has apparently gone missing.)

If you're a spouse or family member of a first responder and are looking for someone to help with the common life struggles that are complicated by your loved one's job, you've found her!

Still, I know you want to make sure that you are placing your trust in someone who understands what you do and why you do it. Full disclosure, aside from my work as a volunteer victim advocate, I have never worked as an emergency first responder. BUT--I have an inexplicable draw to the field, so I decided to utilize the talents I do have (intelligence, resilience, compassion, empathy) to serve you in a way that maybe you didn't even know you needed. I'm very intuitive and a quick learner, so between my studies and my work with first responders over the last few years, I have a very good handle on what this career field is like.

If you find yourself struggling with any of the issues listed below, give me a call--I'd be honored to help.

Anxiety / Depression

Are you feeling restless, irritable or on edge much of the time but don’t really know why? Do you have trouble sleeping or experience other physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches or muscle tension? Maybe you’ve begun to lose interest in things or activities that once excited you or have been feeling particularly hopeless recently. Have you started to question why you took this job?

These can all be indicators of anxiety or depression, as can excessive worry about any or all aspects of life. Anxiety and depression can feel incredibly overwhelming, but therapy can help you develop healthy coping strategies and learn to manage your symptoms.

Trauma / Critical Incident Stress

Exposure to traumatic or critical incidents on a regular basis can cause intense emotional distress to even the most seasoned responder. Firefighters, medics and law enforcement officers deal with the sights, sounds and smells of emergency scenes. Dispatchers/communications personnel are the first ones exposed to these types of scenes—they hear the devastated or distraught voices of people on the other end of the phone line and don’t often get to know how the situation turns out. Regardless of the method of exposure to traumatic incidents (sight, smell, hearing) there is always a risk of an emotional response that is unfamiliar or difficult to handle.


Posttraumatic stress disorder - also known as PTSD - is a mental health challenge that may occur in individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a terrorist act, an act of war, a serious accident, rape, or any other violent personal assault. For emergency responders, witnessing any or all of these could be “all in a day’s work.” As a result, approximately 30% of individuals in this field develop some form of behavioral health condition, such as PTSD.


What is Grief?

Grief refers to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors connected to the loss of something important. It could be the loss of a relationship, a loved one, a job, an object, or anything else a person values.


Emergency first responders face unique stressors in their work, which can create an elevated risk for suicide. Maybe you are grieving the loss of a colleague to suicide. Maybe you have thought about suicide yourself. Either way, it can be extremely helpful to talk to someone about your thoughts and feelings.

Relationship Issues

Couples these days face a myriad of troubles in their relationships, from communication struggles to money/finances, kids, extended families, and the effects of world events out of our control. Add in the long, unpredictable work hours, the constant exposure to trauma and grief, and the cultural considerations of the police department, firehouse, ambulance bay or communications cave and it’s no wonder that the average divorce rate for first responders in this country is 60-75%. But don’t give up! There is hope for your relationship and I would be glad to help you discover that.

Other Life Issues

Let's face it, sometimes day-to-day life is just hard. Life transitions like getting married, getting divorced, having a baby, a career change or retirement can be difficult to navigate. I understand how these types of struggles can be exacerbated by the very nature of the first responder life style. I utilize a culturally competent approach to help you sort through whatever has come your way.

Counseling Interventions

CBT, Reality/Choice, Person-Centered, Gestalt

There are many different approaches to counseling--these are just a few of the evidence-based theories I utilize.

Faith-Based Couneling

Do you find yourself wondering how to reconcile the awful things you deal with at work with a good and loving God? If so, you're not alone.

Couples Therapy

My approach to couples counseling is reality based, compassion and empathy infused, and focused on helping you remember and recapture the love that drew you together in the first place.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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